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Short Family History

     I'll start off with my parents' childhood. My mom was an only child while my dad was a child with 4 other siblings. Him being the eldest. They both grew up in a not so rich environment but it was enough for them. They both grew up here in the Philippines.

    My mother's name is Sheila, her mom's name was Thelma which is still living with us till this day. Her dad's name is Sergio who has sadly passed away a year before I was born. On my dad's side, his mom's name is Sally while his dad's name is Emmanuel. I got to meet both of my dad's parents (mainly his dad) I say mainly his dad because I fully remember meeting him basically almost every day. He would take me to the mall after I finish classes and buy me pokemon cards or food. I met my dad's mom (according to my parents) but I don't really remember anything. I think it was because I only got to meet her when I was barely a year old.

    Anyway, my mom and dad met during their high school days (although I do not remember how) and started a family in 2001 when my brother was born. Then they had me (2004), my sister (2007), and my other sister (2009). We first grew up on Pinikitan but then moved to uptown and lived at Golden Glow Village till this day.

    I have to give all my credit to my parents for their hard work and somehow managing 4 children. And also, them coming from not so wealthy family to working with payouts that can help us for years to come. My parents are my inspirations in life and I owe them everything.


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